

  • Colloquium at the IDK

    Penelope Volinia and Philine Schiller presented a first draft of their table of contents to the members of the Internationales Doktorand:innen Kolleg

    February 13, 2025, Munich, Germany

  • Cultural Anthropology Colloquium

    Penelope Volinia and Philine Schiller present their research at the Cultural Anthropology Colloquium, University of Augsburg

    January 16, 2025, Augsburg, Germany

  • "Fresh Fish and Old Salt"

    L. Sasha Gora, “Fresh Fish and Old Salt” at the “Food System Temporalities” Conference, University of Cambridge,

    January 9-10, 2025, Cambridge, England


  • "A Line on the Tongue"

    L. Sasha Gora, “A Line on the Tongue” at the Culture & International History VII Conference “Uncertain Boundaries in International History,” Freie Universität Berlin

    December 12-14, 2024, Berlin, Germany

  • "Codscapes, Found & Lost"

    L. Sasha Gora at the Culinaria Research Centre at the University of Toronto

    October 23, 2024

  • Fishery Food Circle at "Shore Time"

    L. Sasha Gora with Timothy Charles, Jason Murphy, and Fogo Island growers and fishers at "Shore Time", Fogo Island Arts

    September 27, 2024, Newfoundland, Canada

  • Artist Residency at Ubiškės3

    Penelope Volinias Artist Residency at Ubiškės3 funded by Culture Moves Europe

    August 18 - Sep18, 2024, Ubiškės, Lithuania

  • "Storying Salicornia: Cuisines, Coastlines, and Salty Futures"

    L. Sasha Gora with Anna Antonova at the 4th Congress of Environmental History, University of Oulu

    August 19–23, 2024, Oulu, Finland

  • "Atlantic Appetites"

    Culinary talk with L. Sasha Gora and Rafram Chaddad at the Water & Sound Festival at the Umweltbildungszentrum

    August 2, 2024, Augsburg, Germany

  • "Tuna Troubles" at EASA

    L. Sasha Gora at the European Association for Social Anthropologists 2024 Conference “Doing and Undoing with Anthropology” at the University of Barcelona

    July 23-26, 2024, Barcelona, Spain

  • “The Paradoxes of Extinction: Eating and Ecology”

    Guest Lecture by Philine Schiller in the Class “How America Eats” at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies

    July 23 2024, Heidelberg, Germany

  • UniGradZ Akademische Brotzeit

    Lunch talks on the successful acquisition of third-party funding with L. Sasha Gora

    June 25, 2024, Augsburg University

  • “Esercizi di Immaginazione Marina”

    Workshop by Penelope Volinia for resina collective

    June 22, 2024, Wunderkammer, Ferrara, IT

  • "From Common to Can: The Rise and Fall of Global Tuna" at ASFS Conference

    L. Sasha Gora at the AFHVS–ASFS Conference “Rights to Food, Food as Commons” at Syracuse University

    June 5–8, 2024, Syracuse, United States

  • "Food and Hybridity" Biennial Conference at the Umbra Institute

    “Stew On It: Oysters, US Food History, and A Recipe’s Waning Popularity Amid Ecological Transformations,“ Philine Schiller

    “Novelty Spikes on the Norwegian Plate: sea Urchin Infiltrating Nordic Recipes,” Penelope Volinia

    “Caribbean Turtles, Spanish Sherry, and the Paradoxes of British Imperial Fare,” L. Sasha Gora

    Umbra Institute’s “Food and Hybridity” Biennial Conference

    June 13-16, 2024, Perugia, Italy

  • Foraging Walk in the English Garden

    Penelope Volinia led a foraging walk in the English Garden for the RCC’s Decolonial Practices group.

    June 7, 2024, Munich, Germany

  • "Notes on Wine and Settler Colonialism, On Territory and Indigenous Land"

    L. Sasha Gora at the “Wine, Place, and Space: Global Geographies of Wine Cultivation, Production, and Consumption” Workshop, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

    February 22–23, 2024, Eichstätt, Germany

  • "A Cusine and its Formulas: Recipes, Time, and Culinary Ghosts"

    L. Sasha Gora, Guest Seminar at the University of Gastronomic Sciences

    February 8–9, 2024, Pollenzo, Italy

  • "Food Studies" Guest lecture

    Philine Schiller and Penelope Volinia with Dr. Margaretha Schweiger-Wilhelm at the University of Augsburg

    January 13, 2024, Augsburg, Germany


  • “To Steal a Fish: Cod Tales and Colonial Knots”

    L. Sasha Gora at the “Stories Come to Matter: Water, Food, and Other Entanglements” Conference, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

    December 4–5, 2023, Venice, Italy

  • “Old Salt and Fresh Fish: Introducing the Culinary Environmental Humanities”

    L. Sasha Gora at The Green Hour, the University of Augsburg

    October 26, 2023, Augsburg, Germany

  • “Cooking Up America: Culinary Versions of America in Contemporary Chef Memoirs”

    Philine Schiller at the 50th Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS) — Versions of America: Speculative Pasts, Presents, Futures.

    October 21-23, 2023, University of Klagenfurt, Austria

  • “Streams and Floods, Ripples and Flows: Towards A Bluer Humanities”

    L. Sasha Gora at the “Water Cultures / Cultures de l’Eau” Workshop at the University of Augsburg

    October 5–7, 2023, Augsburg, Germany

  • “Turtle Soup: The Ghost of Appetites Past”

    L. Sasha Gora at the “Extinction, Endangerment, and Environmental Storytelling” Workshop at the University of Stavanger

    September 13–14, 2023, Stavanger, Norway

  • “Pits, Scars, and Swimming Holes”

    L. Sasha Gora at the “Misplacing Matter? Vertical Practices and (Hi)stories of Space and Power” Workshop at the University of Augsburg

    September 6–8, 2023, Augsburg, Germany

  • “‘Making Fish’: Recipes and the Construction of Culinary Geography”

    L. Sasha Gora at Towards a Food Atlas, NO-CITY Summer School, Università Iuav di Venezia

    August 30, 2023, Venice, Italy

  • “Best Before: Time and Other Ingredients”

    L. Sasha Gora at the Lifetimes Conference, University of Oslo

    August 9–11, 2023, Oslo, Norway

  • “What to Eat in Times of Perpetual Crisis” Workshop

    L. Sasha Gora, “What to Eat in Times of Perpetual Crisis” Workshop with Anca Benera and Arnold Estefán, der Neue Berliner Kunstverein

    June 29, 2023, Berlin, Germany

  • “Eating Ecologies: Preface to a Picnic” Workshop

  • “Cod and its Oil, Cuisine and its Supplements” Workshop

    L. Sasha Gora at the “Global Fat Resources: Connecting Themes, Approaches and Narratives, ca. 1850–2022” Workshop, University of Bergen

    May 23–24, 2023, Bergen, Norway

  • ‘Baked Alaska’: Culinary Borders and Muktuk in the North American Arctic” Workshop

    L. Sasha Gora at the “Food and Body in Colonial Contexts in Pre-modern Times (1600–1900)” Workshop, Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung

    May 4–6, 2023, Regensburg, Germany